sk sk

Data for the selected period

Statistics of SIPS for 2012


Value in thous. EUR

Transactions of Slovak Interbank Payment System (value in mil. Eur)
Month Payments Non-accounting entries Summary
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I 14039522.326 14039522.326
II 14228500.889 14228500.889
III 14781182.514 14781182.514
IV 14501060.656 14501060.656
V 15217154.508 15217154.508
VI 14696513.392 14696513.392
VII 14792175.954 14792175.954
VIII 14752625.144 14752625.144
IX 13591502.209 13591502.209
X 15669496.134 15669496.134
XI 14869032.582 14869032.582
XII 17247886.981 17247886.981
Average 14865554.441 14865554.441
Summary 178386653.289 178386653.289

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