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Code lists and registers

Payment headings (valid from 1 January 2009)

SO SR Register of Organisations

In accordance with the ‘Framework agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation’ (‘the Framework Agreement’) entered into between Národná banka Slovenska and the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (SO SR), NBS is authorised to provide its reporting agents, at no charge, on the basis of separate bilateral agreements, with the following:

  • the code list of the SO SR Register of Organisations and the sub-code lists;
  • an addendum to the SO SR Register of Organisations showing breakdowns of institutions with information on their ESA2010 subsector and output category (in thousands of euro);
  • a selection from the ESA2010 code list containing items used in the Register of Organisations;
  • the code list for the breakdown of institutions by output (in thousands of euro); and
  • a Register of Territorial Units based on the separate bilateral agreements entered into between NBS and its reporting agents.

The information (structured as stipulated in the Framework Agreement) is published and updated at monthly intervals within 30 days after the reference period.

Details about how to gain free-of-charge access to the SO SR Register of Organisations, to the related sub-code lists, and to the Register of Territorial Units, as well as details about the conditions of access, may be obtained by making a request in writing to the following address:

Národná banka Slovenska
Statistics Department
Imricha Karvaša 1
813 25 Bratislava

or by telephone on (02) 5787 2660 or (02) 5787 2698.