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Places where insurance undertakings' general and special policy conditions, and financial results, may be inspected by the public

Národná banka Slovenska, in accordance with Article 37(2)(f) and (g) of Act No 747/2004 Coll. on financial market supervision, as amended, hereby gives notice that, as of 17th January 2025, the places where insurance undertakings’ general and special policy conditions, and financial results, may be inspected by the public are as given below.

General and special policy conditions

The places where general and special policy conditions may be viewed by the public are as follows for these insurance undertakings

1. Allianz – Slovenská poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Pribinova 19, 811 09 Bratislava, at the Products Management Department / Odbor manažmentu produktov, and online

2. BNP Paribas Cardif Poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Bottova 2A, 811 09 Bratislava the general conditions for individually insured clients are also available online at and those concerning only specific partner companies are available at their places of business);

3. ČSOB Poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Žižkova 11, 811 02 Bratislava, at places of business of ČSOB Poisťovňa, a.s., at branches of ČSOB bank, and online at

4. KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group: at its places of business listed online at branches and contacts and online at

5. KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group: online at

6. NN životná poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Jesenského 4/C, 811 02 Bratislava, and online at 

7NOVIS Poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 2, 811 02 Bratislava and online at

8. PARTNERS poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office at Einsteinova 3541/24, 851 01 Bratislava the general conditions for individually insured clients are also available online at

9. Union poisťovňa, a.s.: at its places of business listed online at contacts, at the places of business of partner companies (in a print version or via computer), and, for products sold online, online at

10. Wüstenrot poisťovňa, a.s.: (for all products) at any Wüstenrot centre or agency, and, for selected products, online at

Financial results

The places where financial results may be viewed by the public are as follows for these insurance undertakings:

1. Allianz – Slovenská poisťovňa, a.s.: online at Allianzsp – financial results

2. BNP Paribas Cardif Poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office, and online at bnpparibascardif-annual reports

3. ČSOB Poisťovňa, a.s.: online at csob financial results

4. KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group: at its places of business listed online at branches and contacts (in the company’s Annual Report), and online at kpas-anual reports

5. KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group: online at koop-annual reports

6. NN životná poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office, and online at nn-annual reports

7. NOVIS Poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office and online at novis-company magement reports

8. PARTNERS poisťovňa, a.s.: at its head office online at

9. Union poisťovňa, a.s.: online at union-annual reports

10. Wüstenrot poisťovňa, a.s.: online at wustenrot-annual reports


Under Article 3(1) of Act No 530/2003 Coll. on the Commercial Register, as amended, the financial results provided in an insurance undertaking’s annual reports are also to be included in the undertaking’s documents filed with the commercial court that has jurisdiction for the territory in which the undertaking has its registered office. For a fee payable to the court, any member of the public may inspect these documents and obtain an extract from them (Article 12(1) of Act No 530/2003).

Furthermore, the financial statements and annual reports of all companies in Slovakia are available online in the Financial Statements Register (FSR), at The FSR was established under Act No 431/2002 Coll. on accounting and entered into full operation on 1 January 2014. Documents under Article 23(2) of that law prepared as at 31 December 2013 and later are to be published in the FSR.