sk sk

List of entities

Savers’ assets under the second pillar are managed by pension fund management companies through the pension funds they operate.

Pension fund management companies (PFMCs) are joint stock companies incorporated in Slovakia which have been granted by Národná banka Slovenska an authorisation to establish and operate a PFMC and have as their scope of business the establishment and management of second-pillar pension funds. Savers’ contributions are collected in pension funds and from there they are invested to earn returns.

Savers’ assets are held and managed separately from the assets of the PFMC itself. Each PFMC is required to establish and manage one guaranteed bond pension fund and one non-guaranteed equity pension fund. Besides these funds, PFMCs may establish and manage other pension funds, and under the rules of each such fund they either undertake to replenish the assets of the fund or do not do so.