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Basic informations about TARGET2
The payment system TARGET2 (the second-generation Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system) is based on a single shared technical platform SSP and is used for real-time gross settlement of payments in euro and in central bank money. This platform enables a single technical procedure for submitting, receiving and processing high-value payments.
TARGET2 was launched on 19 November 2007 and has fully replaced the first-generation TARGET on May 2008. Národná banka Slovenska has been operating its own component of the TARGET2-SK system since 2.1.2009. DCA cash accounts reserved for T2S and TIPS are also part of TARGET2-SK.
Harmonized conditions for participation in TARGET2-SK
Decision of Národná banka Slovenska No. 4//2010 on settlement procedures for ancillary systems as amended. (available only in Slovak language)
Decision of Národná banka Slovenska No. 7/2015 on conditions for the opening and operation of a PM account in TARGET2-SK. (available only in Slovak language)
Decision of Národná banka Slovenska No. 9/2018 on conditions for the opening and operation of a TIPS account (TIPS DCA) in TARGET2-SK. (available only in Slovak language)
Decision of Národná banka Slovenska No. 10/2018 on conditions for the opening and operation of a T2S account (T2S DCA) in TARGET2-SK. (available only in Slovak language)
For more information about TARGET2, visit the following websites: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/target/target2/html/index.en.html