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Reporting and notification requirements PI & AISP
Regular submission of reports according to the Payment Services Act
Reports are adapted by NBS Measure no. 7/2023. The scope of reporting requirements is different for a payment institution, a branch of a foreign payment institution and for banks. All information is summarized in the table below. Reports are submitted electronically and via a statistical system Statistical collection portal.
Payment service provider (Payment institution and branch of a foreign Payment institution) also provides the National Bank of Slovakia with statistical data on fraud related to payment operations pursuant to NBS measure no. 11/2023, amending NBS measure no. 7/2021.
Banks and branches of foreign banks as payment service providers, also provide the National Bank of Slovakia with data on fraud related to payment operations following NBS measure no. 12/2023, amending NBS measure no. 8/2021.
Your questions concerning individual reports or reporting and notification duties can be sent to NBS via dohladPlatobneSluzby@nbs.sk.
Submitting entity | Date of submission | |||
Payment institution | Branch of a foreign payment institution | Bank | ||
Balance of assets and liabilities | ✔ | ✔ | X | Monthly by 25 calendar days since the day on which it is elaborated, except reporting elaborated according to the state of the last day of the respective calendar year* |
Profit and loss statement | ✔ | ✔ | X | |
Report on own funds | ✔ | X | X | |
Report on the system of protection of funds | ✔ | X | X | |
Payment transaction report | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Report on accounts, loans and electronic money | ✔ | ✔ | X | |
Report on Payment Initiation Services and Account Information Services | ✔ | X | ✔ | Quarterly by 25 calendar days since the day on which it is elaborated |
Report on the number of accesses to payment accounts and initiation of payment transactions | ✔ | X | ✔ | |
AML/CFT reporting | ✔ | ✔ | X | Annually by 25 calendar days since the day on which it is elaborated |
Report on complaints | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Report on payment service provider | ✔ | ✔ | X | |
Report on transfers of payment accounts and cross-border establishment of payment accounts | ✔ | X | ✔ |
* Reports are submitted as follows::
a) preliminary reports based on preliminary data, by 31 January of the following calendar year, based on the preliminary data, known on the last day of the previous calendar year, adjusted to accounting cases charged on 1 January until 10 January of the following calendar year,
b) regular reports based on an extension of the term for the establishment of the regular accounting financial statements, by 30 calendar days after verification of the annual accounting financial statements by the auditor,
c) special report based on the extension of the term for the establishment of the regular accounting financial statements, by 25 April of the following calendar year, established according to the last day of the previous calendar year, known to 31 March of the following calendar year.
Regular submission of other information according to the Payment Services Act
Payment institution regularly submits also information stated below.
Name of other information | Submitting entity | Date of submission | Date of submission | ||
Payment institution | Branch of a foreign payment institution | Bank and branch of foreign bank | |||
Assessment of the management of operational risk and safety risk concerning the provision of payment services (§ 28c section 2) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | At least once per year by 31 December of the respective calendar year) | On the following address: Národná banka Slovenska Imricha Karvaša 1 813 25 Bratislava or by saving it on the web storage of the NBS Supervision of payment services for the relevant supervised entity |
Audit report about verification of financial statement (§ 76 section 1) | ✔ | X | X | By six months since the day from the end of the period | To public part of the Register of financial statements |
Letter of recommendation of the auditor to the management (§ 76 section 1) | ✔ | X | X | On the following address: Národná banka Slovenska Imricha Karvaša 1 813 25 Bratislava or by saving it on the web storage of the NBS Supervision of payment services for the relevant supervised entity |
Report of auditor about verification of data in the reports (§ 76 dsection 4) | ✔ | X | X | ||
Notification about which auditor was entrusted by the verification of the financial statements (§ 76 section 6) and NBS Questionnaire for the audit company | ✔ | X | X | By 30 June of the calendar year or by half of the accounting period within which the audit is supposed to be carried out | |
Plan of the control activity (§ 70 section 4) | ✔ | X | X | By 31 December of the calendar year, it is to be submitted for the next year | |
Verification of the statutory auditor, part of which is also a confirmation that the activity is in line with limits according to § 1 section 3 letter l) (§ 97b section 1) – concerns also provider of electronic communication networks according to § 1 section 3 letter l* | X | X | X | Once per year (by 31 December of the respective calendar year) | On the following address: Národná banka Slovenska Imricha Karvaša 1 813 25 Bratislava or by saving it on the web storage of the NBS Supervision of payment services for the relevant supervised entity |
Irregular notification obligations
1. Notification of major incidents
According to § 28c section 1 and § 28d section 1 of the Payment Services Act provider of payment services notifies NBS about each major operational or security incident. This means every single event or set of mutually related events, which were not planned by the provider of payment services, and which have or probably will have a negative impact on the integrity, accessibility, confidentiality and/or continuity of relative services. Details are stated in the respective EBA Guidelines. Notifications on major incidents are submitted in electronic form via the Statistical collection portal. For the submission of the notification on major incidents, the reporting person shall fill in the “notification on major incidents” in accordance with annex I of the EBA Guidelines. In case the reporting person attaches to the notification of a reasonable suspicion in SZP annexes, he or she will submit them as ZIP files.
2. Notification of the central contact point
Based on stipulations of the § 79 section 13 in relation to sections 12 and § 86 section 27 of the Payment Services Act are payment institutions and electronic money institutions, the establishment of which is located in another member state and which provide payment services in Slovakia via agents of payment services (hereinafter referred to only as “payment institutions and electronic money institutions”), obliged to establish, on the territory of the Slovak Republic, central contact point according to respective regulation.
Central contact point serves forensuring communication and notification of information about compliance with the Payment Services Act, as well as for easement of supervision carried out by authorities of the home member state, as well as by NBS, and this also via the provision of documents and information for these authorities on their demand.
Notifications are recommended to be submitted together with documents proving stated facts (for example contracts with agents of payment services etc.).
Method of information delivery:
a) electronically – by submission of information it is necessary to fill in the form and to add into the annexes documents and subsequently to send to the email address: ccp@nbs.sk,
b) by post – by submission of information via post office it is possible to print and fill in the form and together with annexes to send in paper form on the following address:
Národná banka Slovenska
Odbor finančných technológií a inovácií
Imricha Karvaša 1
813 25 Bratislava
3. Notifications on reasonable suspicions for fraudulent activities
Based on stipulations of § 11 sections 1 and 3 of the Payment Services Act, a payment services provider has obligation to notify reasonable suspicions on whether the payer acted in a fraudulent way. Notifications on reasonable suspicions of fraudulent activities shall be made in good faith, i.e. reporting person shall at the moment of submission of the notification be convinced about the truthfulness of the information provided.
Notifications on reasonable suspicions of fraudulent activities are submitted in electronic form via the Statistical collection portal. For submission of reasonable suspicion for fraudulent activities will the reporting person fill in the Notification of reasonable suspicion of fraud. In case the reporting person attaches to the notification of a reasonable suspicion of fraud in SZP annexes, he or she will submit them as ZIP files.
4. Notification of refusal of access to a payment account
Based on stipulations of 28 sections 5 and 7 of the Payment Services Act, payment services provider, that provides a payment account, shall account information service provider (AISP) or to payment initiation service provider (PISP) refuse access to the payment account based on objective and provable reasons concerning non-authorized access or fraudulent access to the payment account from PISP or AISP side, including the non-authorised issue of fraudulent issue for the execution of payment operation, whereas payment services provider, which holds payment account in the agreed form, informs payer about the refusal of access to the payment account and refusal of access to payment account including the reasons of such a refusal.
According to § 28 section 6 Payment Services Act, payment services providers are obliged without delay to inform NBS about non-authorized or fraudulent proceedings via a notification of denial of access to the payment account. Notification on denial of access to payment account shall be made in good faith, i.e. reporting person shall be at the moment of submission of notification convinced about the truthfulness of the information provided.
Notification on denial of access to a payment account is submitted in electronic form via the Statistical collection portal. For submission of notification on denial of access to a payment account a Template for submission of notification on denial of access to a payment account is to be filled in. In case the reporting person will be adding to the notification on denial of access to a payment account annexes, he or she will submit them as ZIP files.
5. Notification of dedicated API outages
Based on Article No 33 section 3 of the Delegated Regulation of the European Commission (EU) 2018/389 SCA and CSC is the provider of payment services obliged without undue delay to notify problems with dedicated interfaces. By notifying about outages (malfunctions) of dedicated interfaces API shall be understood notification of an event or set of mutually related events, which notifying subject (payment services provider, that holds an account) did not plan or which have or will probably have a negative impact on the integrity, accessibility, confidentiality, credibility and/or continuity of services of dedicated interfaces. Notifications about problems related to dedicated interface API shall be made in good faith, i.e. notifying person shall be at the moment of the submission of notification convinced about the truthfulness of the information provided.
Notification is submitted in electronic form via the Statistical collection portal. For the submission of notification notifying person fills in the “Notification template on outages/malfunction of dedicated API interface” and together with annexes, they are to be submitted in the ZIP file.
6. Information on the comparability of fees for services linked to the payment account (PAD)
In accordance with § 34 section 1 letter d) of the Payment Services Act is a payment services provider obliged to submit to NBS information on services provided that are linked to the payment account and on fees for these services for the purposes of § 44a; this obligation is not related to payment services provider such as State treasury.
In § 38 section 3 of the Payment Services Act is mentioned information that shall be contained in the document with information on fees for services linked to the payment account. The payment services provider is obliged to elaborate the document with information on fees in accordance with respective regulations.
Statement of fees shall contain data according to § 44b section 3 and section 4 of the Payment Services Act. The payment services provider is obliged to elaborate the statement of fees in accordance with respective regulations. Methodological information is available here.
Based on stipulations of § 44a section 2 of the Act in relation to § 34 section 1 letter d) and § 38 section 3 of the Payment Services Act NBS is obliged to publish information enabling comparability of fees for services linked to a payment account of the payment services providers according to § 2 sections 3 letters a),b) d) g) of the Payment Services Act.
The aim of the disclosure of the list of services linked to the payment account of the payment services providers is the provision of information to the consumer about fees for services that are linked to the payment account in a precise, clear and comparable manner.
Provided here is a list of services linked to a payment account of payment services providers is elaborated in accordance with standardized terminology adjusting services linked to payment account according to respective regulations:
a) Account keeping – Payment accounts in euro and foreign currency,
b) Debit card provision – Debit payment card, namely
1. Issuance/renewal of non-embossed payment card,
2. Issuance/renewal of embossed payment card,
3. Reissuance of non-embossed payment card (loss/theft/damage),
4. Reissuance of embossed payment card (loss/theft/damage),
5. Change of terms and conditions,
6. Repeal of the payment card,
7. Blocking of the payment card,
8. Reprint of PIN code to the payment card,
9. Change of limit on the payment card,
c) Overdraft – allowed overdraft of a payment account, namely
1. Establishment of an allowed overdraft,
2. Provision of allowed overdraft service,
3. Cancellation of allowed overdraft service,
4. Reminder sending,
d) Credit transfer – Single payment order for credit transfer/SEPA order, namely
1. At the point of sale of the relevant payment service provider,
2. By electronic banking,
e) Standing order – Establishment of standing order for and approval with direct debit, namely
1. At the point of sale of the relevant payment service provider,
2. By electronic banking,
f) Direct debit – Single payment order for direct debit/SEPA direct debit, namely
1. At the point of sale of the relevant payment service provider,
2. By electronic banking,
g) Cash withdrawal – Withdrawal of funds in cash from a payment account at the respective payment services provider´s point of sale, namely
1. Respective payment services provider
2. Other payment service providers in Slovakia
NBS is together obliged to disclose criteria, based on which fees for services linked to the payment account of the payment services provider are compared, these are the criteria:
a) amount of fee from the lowest fee for the service at each single payment services provider (generally)
b) amount of fee for the same three services at single payment services providers (the lowest fee for three concrete services)
c) amount of fee for the three most used services of the payment services provider (account management, provision of debit card, standing order).
Overview of information enabling comparability of fees for services linked to the payment account of the payment services provider is possible be found at the following link “list of services linked to a payment account”.
7. Notification about the programme and date of the meeting of the company´s Board of Directors
In accordance with § 2 sections, 7 of the Act No 747/2004 on financial market supervision and amendments to certain Acts is supervised entity obliged at least three working days in advance to deliver to NBS notification on the date and program of each meeting of its general meeting, Board of Supervisors, Statutory Authority or other of its governing body or controlling the activity of the supervised entity. The supervised entity submits this information by saving it to the NBS SecureFileShare Extranet web storage of the NBS Payment Service Supervision.