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Insurance corporations and pension funds statistics

The insurance and pension savings markets account for a significant share of total assets in the European financial market, and this share is proportionally reflected in the structure and scope of requirements for the collection and publication of harmonised statistical information on insurance corporations and pension funds.

Since Slovakia joined the European Monetary Union, the focus of Národná banka Slovenska in the area of insurance corporations and pension funds statistics has been on the continuing implementation of the relevant requirements of European Central Bank. As a result, NBS now compiles statistical data sets at the national level and transmits them to the ECB, where they contribute to euro area aggregates.

ICPF – Insurance corporations and pension funds statistics

ICPF statistics provide information on financial assets and liabilities of the insurance corporations and pension funds sector, in accordance with the methodologies and classifications defined in the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 95) and since 2014 in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010).

The statistics are compiled from the aggregated quarterly data and aggregated audited annual data of insurance corporations and pension funds, within the financial assets and liabilities broken down by geographical location and institucional sector of the counterparty.

The reporting agents comprise all insurance corporations with a registered office in the Slovak Republic which conduct insurance business under an authorisation issued by Národná banka Slovenska (or, before 2006, by the Financial Market Authority) and all pension funds and supplementary pension funds established in the Slovak Republic. The ICPF statistics also include data for branches of insurance corporations from other EU Member States. ICPF data series do not include data for insurance intermediaries or management companies that manage pension funds and supplementary pension funds.

The national data are compiled and sent to the European Central Bank on a quarterly basis.

The ECB compiles aggregated data for all countries of the European Monetary Union, and it publishes selected indicators at one-year intervals beginning from the reference year 2010. These data are available at:

Quarterly ICPF statistics:

Source data for the compilation of ICPF statistics:

Data for the compilation of ICPF statistics are received directly from reporting agents in accordance with the following NBS Decrees:

Decree of the National Bank of Slovakia of 1 December 2015 No 20/2015 on submitting of statements by insurance companies,reinsurance companies, branches of foreign insurance companies, insurance companies from other EU member states, reinsurance companies from other EU member states, pension fund management companies and supplementary pension asset management companies

and since 2017 reference year:

Decree of the National Bank of Slovakia of 13 December 2016 No 8/2016 on submitting of statements by insurance companies,reinsurance companies, branches of foreign insurance companies, insurance companies from other EU member states, reinsurance companies from other EU member states, pension fund management companies and supplementary pension asset management companies

Last updated on 9 Jan 2025